Tea break

Something different grabs my attention almost every day. I’m inspired by the people I meet, the things I do and the places I visit. Family, friends and colleagues are important to me. What motivates you? My zest for life, HR practices and recruitment trends, my garden and passion for baking all influence how I work. I’ve bundled up some of my thoughts and ideas into a few different collections.

So why not make yourself a drink, download my latest story and think about what you want to change? Go on, let yourself go and think crazy or outrageous. It’s how change happens.

Work, Home Heather Watt Work, Home Heather Watt

The magic of Monday

A new week and a new page. No need to worry about the things you didn’t manage to do last week. It’s time to begin again and make a new list.

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Work, HR Heather Watt Work, HR Heather Watt

Reputation is everything

Your business brand is critical – it’s about how you’re perceived and what you want to say. If you want people to love your brand, then you need to keep them onside and treat them with respect. Many have invested time and their careers in your business …

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Work Heather Watt Work Heather Watt

Happy Birthday Glastonbury

What have you learned about yourself during isolation?  I’ve always known that I am creative, sociable and get things done.  You’ve heard much about my interests, so I won’t go there again.  But more recently I’ve learned even more about the value of memories.

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Work, HR, Food Heather Watt Work, HR, Food Heather Watt

You. Refreshed.

It’s time to own your own future.  I’m encouraging you to take a little time out, to take a deep breath and to consider the opportunities available.  I’m here to help you make changes. Let's talk.

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Work Heather Watt Work Heather Watt

Thinking outside of the box … or is it the jam jar?

Ever since I heard the phrase and its meaning, I’ve enjoyed what it is to think outside of the box. Maybe that’s because it takes creativity and it’s what I do. And now I’m encouraging you to think creatively about your next career opportunity.

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Work Heather Watt Work Heather Watt

The future of normal

Against the backdrop of employment uncertainty and work insecurity, many of us are coming to terms with new ways of doing things – from shopping and eating to exercising and relaxing.

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Home, Work Heather Watt Home, Work Heather Watt

Time to think about you

Self-reflection is not selfish, it’s essential to our wellbeing.  More and more of us operate at full tilt, blurring the edges between at work and at home. We are pulled in different directions by …

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Work Heather Watt Work Heather Watt

Thank you - let's celebrate

An amazing 15 years of opportunity, new friendships and fresh challenges.  Most of the time, it’s been fun.  On the one or two occasions when it hasn’t, there’s been someone (or something) that’s made me laugh.

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Work, HR Heather Watt Work, HR Heather Watt

Storytelling - the next chapter

I created my first change story in 2001 to demonstrate how work and careers could develop to better reflect the needs of businesses and their people.  The story began as a brown paper montage …

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Work, Home Heather Watt Work, Home Heather Watt

Where do you work happy?

The office at home is cheerful, cosy and entertaining.  There’s much to keep me occupied and it’s a great place to work although I can’t see the garden.  To watch the comings and goings of the blackbirds I need to …

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