Dream big. Be kind. Have fun.


A simple approach to success although not so easily attainable, especially when I add the phrase, “but not at the expense of others”.  Dream big is what we should all do to make our change aspirations a reality. Being kind and thoughtful towards others will help them to flourish and let’s face it, we all need a bit of fun in our lives.  If you need a fresh approach, let’s chat about how I can help.

I began 2019 with a few ideas about creating a website to showcase how I help businesses and individuals to make change happen.  My husband (a very patient man) listened politely to several iterations of the same idea, while his son Rob Watt provided technical wizardry and huge encouragement.  I’ve learned new skills, created new business opportunities and published 18 stories I’d written in my head so many times before.

You can read them all here.  Please share with your networks and encourage everyone to Dream big.  Be kind.  Have fun.  But not at the expense of others.  Happy New Year.

New beginnings

A walk around the garden


Reach for the magic dust ... it's that time of year