Tea break

Something different grabs my attention almost every day. I’m inspired by the people I meet, the things I do and the places I visit. Family, friends and colleagues are important to me. What motivates you? My zest for life, HR practices and recruitment trends, my garden and passion for baking all influence how I work. I’ve bundled up some of my thoughts and ideas into a few different collections.

So why not make yourself a drink, download my latest story and think about what you want to change? Go on, let yourself go and think crazy or outrageous. It’s how change happens.

Work, Home Heather Watt Work, Home Heather Watt

The joy of learning with others

The working from home or working from the office debate continues and I suspect will be around for a long time yet.  Inevitably it will get caught up in the discussions about four-day working weeks, productivity and family-friendly policies ...

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Home, Work, Life Heather Watt Home, Work, Life Heather Watt

Difficult choices

I’ve just signed up to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September. I love baking and scones and cakes are a particular favourite. This is a fantastic charity …

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Work, Home, Food Heather Watt Work, Home, Food Heather Watt

Time to move on again?

It’s official, my husband doesn’t want to live in a doll’s house. And neither do I although there’s little to do in our new (tiny) home. So, I tend to go around twice, plumping cushions …

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Fun, Writing, Work Heather Watt Fun, Writing, Work Heather Watt

What a difference 5 years makes

This time five years ago I was creating content for my (about to be published) website. Here I am five years and 125+ blog stories later investing in a website revamp. Not because the current site isn’t working but like all good outfits and business processes …

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