There’s always time to do new things

So many things to do and so little time yet we’re only just approaching 2025 – a whole new year ahead.  It’s your time to think about how you’re going to get stuck into another year.  To decide what you what to take with you and what you want to leave behind.  That’s memories, and incomplete projects as much as ambitions and expectations.  And maybe it’s a job you don’t enjoy that needs a makeover!

I’m not suggesting that you forget what you know and what you’ve learned, although just like clearing out a cupboard, sometimes things need to be discarded.  And often that’s too much stuff in your head.  Stuff that prevents you moving forward and achieving your dreams.  At this time of year it seems that some people prefer to draw up a list of what they’re going to do differently – drink less alcohol, eat more greens or ditch the takeaways.  I hear less about what people want to try out for the first time.  That’s where the fun can be.

Sometimes it’s important to shake off the same ol’ same ol’ and do something completely different.  A bit like turning over to a fresh page in your notebook.  Maybe you want to learn a new skill or make better use of the skills you already have.  And imagine this – it’s all possible.  Some things will take a little more time than others and it all begins with a plan.  I’m not advocating for complex project plans or spreadsheets at this stage, just an outline of your ambition and how you might achieve it.  Then, think about how much time it might take.

I’m hoping that once you’ve got a firm idea of what you’re going to do, you’ll begin to realise that it’s not as difficult as you thought it might be.  This is where my “to do” lists come into their own – more space in my head for thinking.  If you’ve managed to break away from work these past few days, then I hope you’ve found time to unearth some of your ambitions.  The enriching things you need to do to keep you positive.  The things that always seem to be cast aside when work gets busy, and life gets tough.

With all of the technology we have at our fingertips we should have more time to try new things.  The reality is quite different.  Technology draws us in and time rushes by then disappears.  This highlights the need to plan.  In the same way that what gets measured gets done, I’m recommending that you make time for your needs and ambitions.  Let’s start now – here are a few ideas to support you:

·       Get up 15 minutes earlier each weekday to create 75 minutes of you time

·       Spend less time “window shopping” on your phone to make time for you

·       Use this time to curl up in a comfortable chair with a cuppa

·       Let your imagination wander freely

·       Create a list of your ambitions (new things to try)

·       Prioritise what’s most important and then most practical for you

·       Consider swaps – what could you stop doing in order to begin a new project

·       Remember to track your progress and have fun!

Let me know how you get on and if you need to chat about making time for your ambitions get in touch and Let’s Chat


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