Tea break

Something different grabs my attention almost every day. I’m inspired by the people I meet, the things I do and the places I visit. Family, friends and colleagues are important to me. What motivates you? My zest for life, HR practices and recruitment trends, my garden and passion for baking all influence how I work. I’ve bundled up some of my thoughts and ideas into a few different collections.

So why not make yourself a drink, download my latest story and think about what you want to change? Go on, let yourself go and think crazy or outrageous. It’s how change happens.

Recruitment, HR, Work Heather Watt Recruitment, HR, Work Heather Watt

Ghostly Tales

It’s time for the festive Masked Recruiter to get another airing. I didn’t expect that after all these years of writing about Candidate Experience, I’d still be hearing tales that would make my toes curl.

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Home, Work Heather Watt Home, Work Heather Watt

A witches spell?

I find writing so calming yet inspiring and it draws on my creativity; it’s satisfying. When I write I relax and get ideas …

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Baking, Home, Work Heather Watt Baking, Home, Work Heather Watt

Be the solution

The bees are sunbathing in our garden, the goldfish are hiding in the shade and it’s the beginning of another fabulous week of Summer. What’s on your “to do” list for this week?

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