Heather Watt

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Updating recruitment for 2020 lifestyles

I am going to write and publish a book.  It’s been whirring around in my head for a while and the positive feedback on my blog stories has been the catalyst for this reality check.  I can do it and I will do it.  So, you may be wondering why it’s taken me so long to reach this conclusion, or you may be asking why I’m writing about it before it’s completed and possibly what it’s about.

I’ll start with the final point because it has a title and I’ve written the introduction already, “How To Be The Best Candidate You Know How To Be, Every Single Time”.  At the back of my mind, there’s something about, “Updating Recruitment for 2020 Lifestyles” as a series, but there I go again, running before I’ve learned to walk properly.  You may have read my stories It’s All About Balance and A Recruitment Revolution already, so you’ll recognise the origins of my book title.  Now it’s far easier to explain why I’m writing about it now rather than as it’s published.  Many of you will have worked with me already and know that I deliver on my promises, so this is my promise to myself (and my loyal audience) that I will make time for writing.

I’m not great at putting myself at the top of the priority list although I frequently promote the value of such an activity.  Just in case you are questioning this afternoon’s outpouring and whether you should be checking in to assess my demeanour, I should let you know that I’ve always wanted to write a textbook on Resourcing.  And right now, in Autumn 2020, I think it’s needed more than ever.  Here’s my vision, the first guide will be to support job seekers every, which, way that I possibly can and the second in the series (there I go again) will be for entrepreneurs and business leaders who want to do Recruitment differently and support their reputation.

Controversial always, shy never, I’m writing the guides for as broad and diverse an audience as I can imagine.  I’m not a fan of different messages for different professions or organisational levels, so I’m not going to talk down to college leavers or up to business leaders and entrepreneurs.  There’ll be some good ideas for everyone, it’ll be up you the readers to use the content and advice to your best advantage.

Now here’s the fun bit, you have a onetime opportunity to influence the content of my “Updating Recruitment for 2020 Lifestyles” series and if you’re quick to respond, the first in the series.  I’m keen to hear from you, Let’s talk.

P. S. I hope that this evening I’ve motivated you to come up with an idea of your dreams to make this Autumn lockdown as productive as possible – Good Luck.