Lockdown (No.2) pastimes

That’s a wrap … for this Saturday afternoon at least.  The earlier sunshine was inviting and enticed us outside.  The Autumn leaves seemed even more resplendent than ever this morning.  The spangled blue agapanthus stems still flowering next to the fading bronzed hydrangeas, seemed to be vying for attention, while the pansies smiled confidently through the window.  Yes, it was definitely time for a mug of Yorkshire brew and some deadheading or cutting back.  It seems that we’ll spend much of this lockdown just like the previous one – in the garden.

The days will be shorter and the weather changeable, but there’s plenty to keep us occupied.  Not least, pond watching.  Remember, ideas to find your zing (No. 8) Check your garden ponds?  At least two of the little goldfish fries have survived, but no, I haven’t found my second career in fishkeeping.  Come to think of it, I’ve already declared that my second career is writing, but who’s counting?  I sometimes wonder whether I’d have enjoyed horticulture as much if it were how I earned a living, yet it wasn’t really an option.

My early dalliance with business was to be a route into something creative like furniture design or advertising, yet I got the people bug.  As I sat at our garden table today, Emma Bridgewater mug in hand, I couldn’t help thinking about all of the talented people I know who are trying to reinvent themselves to create income.  My thoughts wandered to the inimitable Miss Andrews who taught me to type (on a manual typewriter) to music.  Accuracy and speed were of the essence and I certainly relied on those skills as I copy typed[1] hundreds of standard recruitment letters.

Eventually there would be slightly more interesting contracts of employment to edit and despatch, inductions to arrange, factory visits to be coordinated and at last, advertising copy to compose.  Hey presto, my HR career was crystalised.  Like most professions HR, and in particular Resourcing, has provided an ever-changing landscape to be conquered, fascinating projects to be delivered and some awesome personalities to be studied or influenced.  I’ve made fabulous friends through work (including my husband), built lasting partnerships with clients and nurtured an eclectic network of amazing individuals. If we haven’t spoken for a while, let’s catch up, I’d love to hear your news … and/or how I can help you.

It’s beginning to get chilly in the garden and the light is fading fast, so with thoughts of friendship and networking front on mind, it’s time to put my trusty trowel back in the garden shed until tomorrow.  With the pansies still smiling up at me, trying desperately to be my friends, I turn my attentions to those stubborn slugs who didn’t get the lockdown message to stay at home and stay safe.  Their loss!

A few more ideas to help you find your zing:

  • Check your delphiniums for any signs of slugs or snails banqueting after dark

  • Plant some Winter flowering pansies (a window box will do)

  • Make a list of 3 new things you want to try out this week

  • Write a story or a poem about something you enjoy

  • Sort out your sock drawer (and make a note to buy some new ones)

  • Dance around the living room to your favourite music

  • Go for a walk in the nearest open space or public garden and collect leaves

  • Write a letter in your neatest hand and post it to a friend

[1] Typing letters from scratch on a typewriter from a collection of standard texts – no automation.

Pansies 2.jpg

Over specified and underutilised – I’ll let you decide


Updating recruitment for 2020 lifestyles