A positive beginning
I often find it difficult to “get going” after Christmas. To be honest, this year hasn’t been much different to other Januarys. There’s the chaos of decorations that won’t fit back in their boxes; the guilt of over-indulgence and the over-riding need to restore balance. The good memories of celebration give way to random resolution in the blink of an eye!
This afternoon I’m finding it difficult to grasp that just a month ago some of us were packing up our cars for the festive journeys ahead while others were agonizing over sprouts and last minute tablescaping. Yet here we are a month later and I’m considering just what I’ve achieved in the first month of this year except twenty two jars of delicious homemade marmalade. Our fourth vintage made with renewed confidence hence the increase in production this year.
This year (not that I’m a bit more grown up) I’m hoping to fight back when self-doubt comes knocking and say “yes” even if my head screams “no.” And that’s exactly what I did when I joined a writers’ club a few days ago. I’ve been eager to extend my writing accomplishments for some time and I’m hoping this will give me a much-needed shove. Oh, and just for the record, I’ve finally said “yes” to self-publishing my first book. More about that to come.
I’m proud that I shun new year’s resolutions in favour of longer-term ambitions for the year ahead. Most people make their resolutions with intent to continue although I know myself too well. I’m better with a longer term plan that is all-consuming rather than a silent promise to eat less meat. Mind you, I’m hoping for three dozen jars of marmalade in 2026 and have a plan to order my Seville oranges directly from Spain (rather than the supermarket).
Talking of “longer term” I’ve been planning a garage project since we moved house last April and it’s beginning to take shape. I pretend that I’m not an impatient person although each evening I’m out there scheming and dreaming. I can’t wait for the builder to finish.
While it’s a work in progress I’m calling it the Pottering Shed. Don’t you love that name? Once completed it’ll be a haven for random golfing stuff (rather than a random golfer), baking overspill and lots more … even a potting bench and a huge table for big family lunches.
Now it’s your turn:
· What ambitions and plans do you have for this year?
· What will you do when your head screams “no”?
· What do you think are you odds of success?
· What’s holding you back?
· So, what’s stopping you get started?
Remember that the odds often improve with confidence and confidence improves with saying “yes” … I can vouch for that. I realise that not everyone is up for a garage makeover or writing a bestseller (who am I kidding) although doesn’t everyone have a dream? Today I’m suggesting that there’s always time to give your dream a little headspace, especially when you’re queuing for your favourite beverage. Even the strongest leaders need to dream, right?
Other than encouragement to say “yes” I’m unlikely to be able to help with building projects although if you’re thinking it’s time to find a new role or get noticed in your current role for all the right reasons, I’d be delighted to support you. Sometimes it’s simply too difficult to go it alone, although you’re unsure what help you need – I get that. So why not give me a call to chat about what you want to do and how you’re planning to get there. Isn’t it time to say “yes” Let’s chat .