It’s what I do

Transformation is what I do.  The satisfaction when a plan comes together, and things have changed for the better is priceless.  Occasionally I come across things in my own life which need to change yet don’t get my full attention.  Sometimes that’s because I’m too busy, other times it’s because I acknowledge the need for change yet I’m apprehensive.  If you’ve collaborated with me on projects you may find that unlikely.  Busy “yes”, reluctant to change, “never” is the impression I prefer to give.

Just like my need to eat more healthily, reduce my weight, remove excesses and declutter, it was time to brave a few changes of my own.  Transformation is what I do, yet just like the cobbler’s children and their shoes, my own marketing was getting a bit stale.  Some of that was due to pride in what I’d created, although the rest was a mix of apprehension and indecision.  Should I keep the colour scheme and mix up the content?  Should I begin with a blank sheet of paper or “tinker” here and there?

I was delighted with my first web site (launched five years ago), and I’m thrilled with its makeover.  If you’re wondering why it took so long, it was a mix of not wanting to get it wrong, a lack of quality time and that nagging little phrase, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”.  And there was always someone around to support my indecision.  Friends applauded my first attempt, reminding me that it still looked fresh and vibrant.  My husband (a tireless supporter) wasn’t up for any change either, “it’s fine love, I’d leave it as it is”.  Conclusion, it did what it says on the tin.

But change I must if only to conquer those nagging self-doubts and any fear of failure.  It was time to apply my exacting standards to my own work.  I had so much to live up to.  If only I hadn’t been such a challenging client when reviewing recruitment microsites last year.

I’m fortunate that I enjoy writing and storytelling, a talent encouraged by my stepson Rob Watt (a creative director in young people’s theatre).  And I wanted my web site to tell my story as well as being home to my (now 130) blog posts.  My corporate and consultancy career are important to me, although more and more I value having fun at work, as well as at home.  Maybe the hero of “You. Reimagined.” (a brand-new addition to the website) is really me?  Sparkle at the ready.

Rob is also a Squarespace aficionado.  He’s talented and patient.  He makes me believe that I have something original to say and encourages me to land my messages with style, as well as simplicity.  I’ve learned so much from Rob, although he’s happy that I leave the “behind the scenes” technical set up to him.  Thanks Rob.

I hope you agree the end product is a triumph, if you love it please share and if you don’t please let me know what improvements you’d like to see.  Let’s Chat.


Motivation, memories and Groucho Marx


Enjoyment or survival … what’s your role delivering?