Heather Watt

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When life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade

I love Lemons and I love this phrase.  It’s so encouraging of optimism and positivity which is probably why it resonates with me.  There have been some times when I’ve just wanted to throw the Lemons back, rather than make something useful out of the scenario, although that’s not often.  And it soon passes.  What about you?

When did you last think about something challenging or a person’s sharpness and think that being positive or turning it around simply wasn’t worth it?  Most of the time, most people I meet respond well to my strengths.  They enjoy my creativity and enthusiasm for thinking differently.  They feed off my optimism and zest for life.  Then, just occasionally, it’s seen as over-confidence and some sharpness creeps in.  Put simply, the competition begins.

What prompts me to want to throw the Lemons back?  Mostly, it’s when “stuff” becomes too competitive.  It’s when someone takes my ideas and uses them as their own or someone disagrees with me and then uses my arguments to boost theirs.  Feedback suggests that I share knowledge generously and encourage relentlessly, yet just occasionally I’m eased off the stage.  I’m not one for the limelight at any cost, although I get disappointed when someone elbows me out (without warning).  And those are the Lemons I sometimes want to throw back.  Let’s face it, who needs Lemonade in those circumstances – especially if you’re on your knees in the orchestra pit?

Now you may be wondering why I’ve chosen to write about Lemons today and what’s the point of my tale.  Perhaps it’s the glimmering and fragrant Amalfi examples that arrived with my shopping this week.  They’re shouting sunshine and cheerfulness (not that it’s reached the garden, but more about that later).  No wonder Gennaro Contaldo wrote a whole book celebrating Lemons a couple of years ago.  It’s a fabulous collection of recipes and vibrancy.  I’m amazed that amid a frosty British winter, we can go to the supermarket for such luscious Lemons and outstanding Oranges from Seville.  Have you made your marmalade yet by the way?

I was chatting to a friend earlier as we ate scrambled eggs and shared brunch.  She spotted the Lemons on the side and asked about their destiny.  In this case, a lemon, mint and olive oil dressing.  It wasn’t long before our conversation touched on my dislike of competitive stealth.  She likened it to her making some yummy cheese and chili cookies, then packaging them beautifully as Christmas gifts.  She shared the recipe selflessly with anyone who asked, only to be offered, “one of my fabulous cheese and chili cookies (my latest invention)” thereafter by a cousin.  They didn’t come to blows, although it seems that the final cheese straw was about recipe invention and ownership.  True to her wonderful sense of humour, my friend confided that she prefers to say, “When life gives you lemons, make a G&T”.

Let’s get back to being resourceful and positive.  The garden will begin to wake up in a few weeks and it’ll be time to cut back the Wisteria to just two buds.  Then it’s deadheading the remnants of the hydrangea flower which haven’t got blown away and clearing the paths of debris the blackbirds have left behind.  I can’t wait to see this year’s horticultural developments, but for the time being I’m delighted to see the Robin rummaging around in the frosted Oak leaves this morning.

Over-wintered Oak leaves are one of my favourites, especially after several seasons when they become a skeleton of their former self.  So beautifully constructed with their scalloped edges although they terrorize my husband every single year.  The mighty Oak trees nearby always seem to have the last laugh as they quiver with excitement in the breeze just as he closes the shed door on the brushes.

So, there you have it, my day which turned out to be just as eclectic as I am – Lemons, cookies, marmalade, Oak leaves and brunch with a friend.  What more could a girl wish for?  It’s almost time for a G&T although I’ve just remembered alcohol is off-limits if I’m to achieve my 2023 ambition.  Now where’s that Lemonade?

If you’d like to share stories or recipes, or simply chat about the Lemons you’d like to throw back, it’s time to get in touch, Let’s talk.