Sunday social (goldfish style)

A glorious day in the garden to celebrate the arrival of Spring.  I missed that extra hour in bed as a rather fierce sounding hornet woke me up this morning, but it spurred me on to grab my gardening clothes and get outside.  A quick cuppa, a delicious bacon sandwich and I was ready.  All ten goldfish were waiting to be fed.  Almost instinctively they recognise the sounds of the weekend.  It seems that each year we gain a few and lose a few to the seagulls or the local cats.  But hey we are up two since this time last year.

It's been a week of mostly ups and a few downs workwise, yet Saturday watching some of my favourite foodie TV shows and delicious tapas in the afternoon sunshine, soon redressed the balance.  I like to stay positive as you know, yet sometimes it’s disappointing when a project that’s almost complete, springs back to the beginning.  Maybe it’s time to sit on that Jack in the box?  Sometimes I wish that I had more arms to wrap around things, just like the delicious octopus I enjoyed yesterday.  A little sea salt, lots of paprika and olive oil – yum, yum.

Not sure what this coming week will bring although we are promised more sunshine.  Some night-time rain would be good for the garden which is basking in sunshine this afternoon.  It’s a little ahead of itself for the time of year, although I suspect that’s the future.  Some tender shoots will get burned inevitably by the frosts which are yet to come with such clear night-time skies.  Oh well, we’ve done what we can today.  Slug pellets which are bird-friendly, hugely expensive potions to save our box balls from blight and a wide assortment of organic fertilizers to increase the size of our blooms.  My dad would be proud of me.

I’m a simple soul and there’s nothing more relaxing than grabbing a pair of secateurs and preening the wisteria as it bursts into bud or tidying up the hydrangeas as new shoots appear.  Nothing too strenuous today, yet oh so satisfying.  My garden is my happy place.  It’s been a strange two years in some ways, although I’ve almost forgotten that lockdown was so miserable at times.  That’s because I can always find something to do in the garden, and the children’s stories took care of the dreary, damp days.  Yes, it’s been a civilized day in the garden and the birds are singing their best songs as I sit down with a cuppa and reflect on the day.  Momentarily my thoughts wander towards next week.

The sunshine and a relaxing weekend always spur me on.  And now I’m ready for anything.  Strategic visioning, no problem; project plans, they’re on their way; creative ideas in bucket loads and innovation at the heart of almost everything.  Yes, it’s going to be a good week, I just know it.  My “to do” list to end all “to do” lists is curled up by my laptop patiently waiting for attention, but I’m not temped to poke the bear this evening.  That can wait.  Right now, I’m still watching the comings and goings of the garden – a handful of bees, some songbirds but no ideas about the whereabouts of the hornets’ nest.  It seems that the tulip buds will burst into colour this week, although for now I’m content to see the snatches of pink, deep purple and orange.

And now it’s time to pack up the horticultural potions until next weekend and water the pots, but the main garden will need to fend for itself for a little longer.  More advice from my dad about plants and trees needing to put down strong roots to find their own water.  Too much artificial watering encourages roots to stay on the surface.  It's just about 5 o’clock and it’s beginning to get a little chilly outside, but what a wonderful weekend it’s been.  Not least for all the people who were working, eating or relaxing outdoors.  What have you been up to that’s made you smile today? Let’s talk.


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