Fairy Dust and Sparkle

It’s everyone’s dream, right?

Whether you prefer wearing fluffy slippers, comfy loafers or three-inch stiletto heels, there’s always an excuse for glitter.  You may not imagine yourself as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, although most of us have our sights on a dream job or a personal ambition. Read on to find out more about mine. 

I’m fortunate, I love what I do

Whether I’m living the corporate dream, at home baking or planting, or arranging a coaching session, I thrive on expectation and ambition. It’s 20 years since I launched myself in the independent HR consultancy market and what a successful story it’s become. I’m still working and I’m still learning. And most importantly I’m still dreaming about what I could be when I grow up.

More recently, a personal ambition to dance on the table at my next (grown up) birthday prompted a recent lifestyle change and weight loss (on my terms). That came with its own challenges … clothes which didn’t fit anymore, yet a natural tendency to select “safe and big”.  Something needed to change. For me, a wholesale wardrobe clear out was the best option. It removed the temptation to hide in the old and look forward to the excitement of the new. Put simply, I didn’t need the temptation to go back to old clothes and hide in their enormity.

What’s your ambition?

This is your opportunity to realise your dreams.  It’s your time to come out of the shadows (but only if you want to) and gain the confidence to be the person you really are … or aspire to be. You. Reimagined.  I can help you to build back your confidence or reorganise the things that are getting in the way of your progress. You can be the change whenever you want to be.

My motivations

I’ve got a way to go before I can dance safely anywhere (let alone on a table) although that hasn’t curbed my ambition. I practise the moves in my head at every opportunity and rehearse to my playlist. David Bowie and Mick Jagger, Live Aid, July 1985, “Dancing in the Street” … and there’s even a place for Ed Sheeran, “Thinking Out Loud”. What’s on your playlist?

Sometimes, when I feel like I’ve eaten too many avocados or too much cavalo nero, I simply remind myself of the dress I’ll be wearing in one of Ed’s videos (yeah, right). These are the dreams that matter, the images that spur me on to succeed.

Small changes

In recent years I’ve had fabulous support from Victoria’s Little Bra Shop in Dorking, Surrey, to keep my diminishing boobs in check. Victoria and her Mum go out of their way to provide the best advice, fabulous stock and great customer service. I’m such a fan. All ambitions need a firm foundation after all, don’t they?

I was in the throes of restocking local charity shops with my cast-offs and finding better-fitting substitutes online (Nicky at Box 2 has long been a favourite) when I was drawn to the inspirational work of Sarah Gray, a personal stylist. I was a little late to that party. If only I’d found her much earlier, I’m certain I’d have weathered my “bigger” years with much more fun and insight. Her writing has certainly made me think differently about creating wardrobe magic and style confidence (whatever my shape and size).

Your ambition, my support

When you need a decluttering friend or help to tackle a house move, let’s share the challenge. I’ve been inspiring friends for years and many of my blog stories reflect my love of recycling and decluttering. My single-minded enthusiasm will motivate your change. I’m not qualified to give weight loss or nutrition advice, although my experience as a coach can help you frame your ideas whatever the challenge. In other words, what you decide to do, and how you get there.

Sometimes a lack of focus on what you want to achieve is all that’s getting in the way of your dream. Let me be the person who provides practical assistance or insights and encourages you to succeed. I can help you restate your ambitions and smash your personal goals (at home as well as at work).  What are you waiting for?

You. Reimagined.