Heather Watt

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What could you do instead?

I’m not a not a fan of the rain and I can’t believe that it’s almost dark at 8:00 pm.  It’s supposed to be summer.  I’m concerned about global warming (of course I am) although my impatient self says can we please just have some sunshine?  This doesn’t come from a selfish need; I just see more people smile when the weather is bright and fine.  Sometimes a smile is all that’s needed to cheer up a friend, a neighbour or a colleague and who wants a partner who’s glum?

My more patient self is just trying to bring a little more positive energy to all those people seeking new roles right now; all those job seekers who despite hours of research and CV updating are still struggling to find their happy place.  It seems that I’m unable to influence the weather in the short term, although I can provide some ideas to think about while you wait for that inspiring opportunity.  Anything to prevent you from beating yourself up.

My usual advice about taking time out, finding a comfortable chair and a cuppa (well no use going outside in the rain eh?) applies.  Take some time to think about what you might do instead of your current work or existing career path.  Everyone deserves to dream a bit don’t they?  Even the most well-balanced, feet firmly on the ground pragmatists among us.  There are some who might suggest that a tough market for jobs won’t sustain a change of direction, although the entrepreneurs and solopreneurs may have a different view.

What would I do instead?  Well, 21 years ago I swapped my safe corporate Head of Resourcing role with a big shiny brand (KPMG) for the excitement and challenge of unpredictable consultancy.  I wanted to get involved in more transformation work rather than business as usual resourcing and I haven’t looked back.  If you asked me that question right now, I’d say that I’d love to create a business growing and selling irises or hellebores and making small batch marmalade in honour of my grandad.  It’s unlikely although who knows?

It’s been a while since I encouraged conversations about side-hustles and alternative career goals when covid struck.  At about the same time, I was persuading you to keep going with your hobbies.  Everyone needs to get lost in their interests when the chips are down.  A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a friend about alternative careers and their dream was a cycling café in France.  So, what’s stopping you I asked?  Oh, just having the capital to invest was their measured response.

Money doesn’t come cheap (I get that) although sometimes it’s a dream like this that keeps us going.  It’s about investing thinking time in some innovative ideas that might just spawn another opportunity.  Maybe you’re keen to land a new Head of HR role, although when did you last think about your brand?  What if you needed to market yourself to a diverse audience, what are your unique selling points?  What image would you love to portray?  Trusted advisor and professional coach or transformational and entrepreneurial leader?

Considering your brand, reminding yourself of your values and creating a personal vision can be a fun way of framing your career ambitions.  This isn’t about turning to Chat GPT (or your bot of choice) to find some clever words to persuade the recruitment system to shortlist you, it’s about better understanding your aspirations.  And it’s a way of sorting out the “must haves” from the “nice to haves.”  This approach works well with most professions, it’s not limited to HR, although you’ll have guessed that already.

In the same way that turning over to a brand-new page in your notebook can be liberating, starting with a blank sheet of paper can be a great beginning to a stylish new CV or progressive reinvention idea.  One that mirrors what you’re all about; a holistic view and a completely different take on “updating your CV.” 

Go on, try it and let me know how you get on Let’s chat.