Heather Watt

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What a difference 5 years makes

This time five years ago I was creating content for my (about to be published) website.  Here I am five years and 125+ blog stories later investing in a website revamp.  Not because the current site isn’t working but like all good outfits and business processes, it needs a refresh.  After all we need a little dynamism in our busy lives on a wet Spring day.

I’ve set myself a website target of “vintage elegance” just like Coco Chanel (or for the bewildered) that’s a quality product which stands the test of time.  Classic genius.  Am I being too ambitious and conceited?  Yes, probably.

I’ve been reading through some of my stories and have been surprised that so much of that five years was given over to the pandemic – pre, post and during.  There was such a need for positivity and strength as jobs were lost, furlough kicked in and many felt bereft of human contact.  I noticed that gap and filled in with my musings.  Your positive feedback has kept the tap flowing ever since.

It seems I’ve established a modest fan base, and my stories bring encouragement just as much as inspiration.  Thanks for the feedback.  I’ve always enjoyed giving practical advice “in the moment” as well as hints and tips for future success.  Looking back through my stories yesterday reminded me of the breadth of my interests as well as the value of the practical skills I learned from my grandparents and parents.

The strengths and interests I’ve honed with the help of colleagues have been invaluable in my work success.  I’m grateful to my still blossoming network – thank you.  Hardly surprising that I’ve wanted to pass on a little wisdom and a few of my better habits!

My mantra has always been that colourful interactions are so much more influential and likely to bring about much needed change.  Chatting something through with passion or reading an inspirational article should engage a curious audience.  It should leave a lasting impression.  So, the answer to my own question was that, “Yes, I needed an update”.

I loved the website as much for its charm and originality as for the achievement.  Mr. Watt was puzzled, “why change what works?” yet I persisted.  Well, that was until I needed to choose a new colour palette and create new content.  Remind me, what was I going to change?

It’s important to bring a sense of (well-placed) fun to work although working in HR for so long I’m conscious of the need for sensitivity as much as empathy.  I try to create some interesting imagery with words when I write to make HR or business techniques pop like a blast of colour in a dreary room.

Clearly there’s no fun in a “laugh a minute” interviewer telling an unsuccessful candidate to “try again” through a broad grin.  Candidate feedback is not a topic for fun, although using anecdotes to help colleagues develop great feedback skills can be helpful.  It’s a skill worth developing!

Not much to say about the garden today - it’s looking rather forlorn.  Once we’ve moved (yes, it’s still a possibility) it’s unlikely there’ll be much to write about the new garden until it’s designed and built.  Right now, the lawn at the new house is mostly under water, too, but apparently the new neighbours are enjoying the daffodils.  I’ll be sure to keep you updated on the planning stages if you promise not to blow my cover.  Not everything should be shared with one’s husband too soon, right?

Of note in 2024 is my continuing disappearance.  Not out of vanity but positive feedback suggests that my approach (and stories) are helping others to grab that weight loss bull by the horns.

In the knowledge that I’m making spectacular changes to my website, and it’ll help me to celebrate 20 years of HW HR Consulting, I encourage you to watch this space.  I wish you a happy Easter break.