Silk flowers on my cakes – no way!

It’s Friday and what better day than a Friday to celebrate the sunshine that’s doing it’s best to squeeze through the clouds like me trying on my new smaller sized jeans earlier.  No blackbirds singing to me this morning, just a chubby pigeon scratching about on the fence.  A few of its feathers fluttering in the wind.  No, this is not a weather forecast although aren’t we all ready for some sunshine?  For no other reason than we all need vitamin D to survive.

How’s your week been?  International Women’s Day and World Book Day passed me by last week.  I was a little preoccupied.  Another couple of days chasing people about houses – no, don’t ask.  Not like me to miss such significant days but I was also busy making a 60th birthday cake for my brother.  It turned out fine, although it wasn’t without a few tears.  You’d think I’d never made and decorated a cake before.  So easy to get out of practise and doubt yourself.

A stark realization that when we really try hard to make something perfect because it’s for someone so special, the little red imp kicks in … every single time.  It seems that it’s the same little chap that destroys confidence at interview.  No matter how much we practise (whether that’s sugar paste succulents or interview explanations) someone or something flicks that confidence switch.

In the same way that I overcame the cake obstacles (experience won the day) it’s important to practise (know) your interview story.  If you’ve recently updated your CV, added some new achievements or swapped a few things around, don’t get tongue-tied because you can’t remember what comes next once you get to interview.

It’s helpful to stay true to yourself when asked to “tailor” your CV.  I realise that some coaches (even recruiters) will encourage you to revise your CV to suit your job aspirations.  I see some sense in this approach although I tend to favour a good and strong CV that really gets to the core of your strengths.  A single pitch that truly stands for who you are and what you do / want to do.

While we’re on this topic please remember that those little red imps get everywhere.  They try to convince you that your CV will be all the better for this key word or that one and (they yell) your CV (or application) is reviewed by a robot not a real person.  There’s a role for AI in recruitment, although I wouldn’t recommend getting ChatGPT to create your CV just yet, any more than I recommend silk flower decorations (yuck) for my cakes.

I’m writing about CVs and interviews today because every so often someone has a terrible experience.  Too many stories have come to me recently as disappointment takes a hold.  Gracious and capable people are reduced to a quivering wreck by a lack of adequate feedback.  They believe that they did all that was asked of them – a CV rewrite, the inclusion of some “special” words, rearranging their life to accommodate urgent client meetings … then nothing.  No follow-up interview, no explanations and no feedback.

So, if you are one of those people who’s currently seeking a new role (it happens in Spring), take some time out for you this weekend and take a critical look at your CV.  Ask yourself a few insightful questions to increase your confidence:

·       Does my CV sound like me?

·       Does it tell my story?

·       Does it show my strengths?

·       Is my story clear?

·       Have I included metrics (resource savings, new business, value)?

·       Have I balanced words with white space on the page?

·       Are the margins too narrow?

And then if you still need a quick reminder there are plenty of helpful tips on my website.  Enjoy the weekend and don’t be alarmed that Monday (18th March) is Global Recycling Day.  What are you going to liberate?  Still no blackbirds in the garden today!  Fancy a chat?  Cakes, CVs?  It’s up to you.


What a difference 5 years makes


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