Ditch sugar, discover Scrabble

Maybe a long weekend once you’ve filled the fridge with sugary treats isn’t the best time to write about giving up sugar, but the sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing so I’m going for it.  I’ve lost three stones since January.  Well, if I can manage it, you can too.  I love baking and really enjoy making “puds”, although if you know me well, you’ll know already that I don’t have a sweet tooth.  My favourite patisserie evening classes were taught by a delightful German baker and pastry chef who sometimes forgot to scale down the volume of required ingredients.  All too often we created two or three, instead of one, but I didn’t succumb, it just meant more for the neighbours!

You may be wondering how sugar got hold of someone with a pension for baking and making, but not for eating sweet things.  Put simply, I’ve learned that it’s all about the sugar which hides in processed foods, tasty treats and alcohol.  Don’t worry this is not a rant about sobriety, it’s a caution to watch out for all that sugar which creates flavour.  All those delicious and apparently innocent luxury convenience foods like one of my favourites, smoked salmon.  So much sugar added in the curing process (apparently).  I’m learning all the time.

Without much warning, I’ve become one of those irritating shoppers who blocks the supermarket aisle while reading the reverse of the packets on the deli counter.  All those delicious goodies which used to bring me joy like hummus and olives are banished.  You know, those little pots of gorgeousness which go so well with Mediterranean cooked meats and deliciously fresh baked bread.  Just reading the list of ingredients confirms that there’s sugar in so many of the savoury foods I love.  Staying away from the supermarkets is a great help as I’m less likely to reach for the convenience of processed food.  I wrote last time about my new best friends at the farm shop.  Food simplicity!

All through the C-19 pandemic I remained loyal to those in hospitality who were struggling to keep their businesses going, although eating out isn’t really on the cards for me right now.  Finding new and innovative places to eat has long been part of my DNA, although just like the supermarket food producers, it’s the “hidden extras” which nag at my waistband.  If I haven’t prepared it, I don’t really know what’s in it.  So, struggling to survive or not, apologies I need to swerve you to succeed right now.

I don’t really miss my evening glass of wine and simply can’t give in now that I’ve chalked up four months without.  There’s something quite magical about declaring that “my last glass of fizz was in celebration of the new year”.  And what a year it’s turned out to be so far.  That’s three stones no longer fighting with my underwear elastic and an opportunity to be just a tiny bit proud that those blood red marks where my waistbands dug in are disappearing fast.

I’ve a long way to go before I achieve my ambition to dance on the table with two new knees next year and it’s not an easy journey.  Yet my progress so far is something I can celebrate with a little extra wiggle when I practise my moves.  Dance like there’s no one watching and all that.

I’m writing this piece today in the hope that it helps one or two people who read it to achieve their ambitions.  Although I’m not after boosting sales of Scrabble, without my evening tipple and satisfying cheese and sourdough it’s created focus.  But if you have the travel version like me, please beware of those stray tiles which always land letter side down.  If you’ve stepped on Lego with bare feet, you’ll know what I mean.  If you’re thinking of abandoning sugar, focus is good.  And what’s working for me is recognising that food is for energy and not for pleasure.  And yes, if you’re wondering, I did still watch James Martin on television this morning.  A few of my habits are harder to break!

It's time to head for the garden and check for slug damage but please do not worry I’ve not developed a taste for slugs and snails.  Please remember that if you’ve set yourself an ambition around eating more healthily or moving more, then go easy on yourself if it doesn’t go to plan first time around – there’s always another day and another game of Scrabble. Why not let me know how you’re getting on? Let’s talk.


Recruitment chit chat


Asparagus, Avocado and Cavolo Nero