Heather Watt

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A Diva's Ambitions

What a year it’s been already.  Glorious hellebores smiling at me by the front door and everything to look forward to as the garden matures.  Snowdrops next, fingers crossed.  I’m still working and as you’d expect given the time of year, I’ve already made my annual supply of marmalade, as well as signing up to some 2023/2024 ambitions.  Yes, 2024 marks one of those milestone birthdays so it’s all hands, on deck please with my hopes and dreams for 2023.

My “pinch of positivity and sprinkle of magic dust” well and truly succeeded in getting my new year off to a great start in January 2022.  I knew there was some interesting ad hoc work in the pipeline although that’s not what has kept me busy into 2023.  A six-month assignment became 12, then 14 months until here I am wondering what’s next – bring it on!  You may have noticed that my writing has become less frequent of late.  In a sense it seems as though I’ve lost my balance.  It wasn’t intentional, I simply lost some focus and let “being busy” get in the way breadth.  Note to self, as Bridget would say, “stay focused and retain your sparkle – do things for yourself more often”.

Some of you will know already that I prefer visioning to new year’s resolutions and this year I have already started writing up my journal of ambition.  I aspire to be a Diva.  At this point I should probably explain that my definition of “diva” is not related to some secret ambition to be an opera singer (and I’m certainly not kidding myself that I’m a goddess).  Rather to use my talents to take charge of my surroundings and be present in every aspect of my life.  And I’m giving myself permission to do a little more to live a healthier lifestyle and that includes two new knees!  But no unrealistic resolutions for me; no planks, no lunges and no thinking that I can give up all the food and wine I love in one go.  It’s an ambition not a resolution.

So, this is a trailer for what’s to come although this isn’t just about me.  It’s about how I can help you by sharing some of my experiences, with a great big dollop of positivity, and a little magic dust along the way.  Yes, this evening I’m sparkling like the marmalade in the jars lined up behind me.  I’m feeling quite smug as the jars are on their third recycle at least and not an additive in sight.  Just sugar, water, oranges and lemons and lots of love.  Just how my granddad used to make it.  I’m grateful that he passed on so many of his talents in baking and making to me.  A wise master and his apprentice; he encouraged me to give it a go, take stock and learn from any mistakes.  And he was always there with quick tips.

So, that’s the marmalade and the health elements of my life back in play and now for the work elements.  Reflecting and writing are strengths I try to share at every opportunity and that includes observations on Resourcing and Recruitment (or as some would have us call it, Talent Acquisition).  I’m all for talent as you know, but acquisition always leaves me wanting.  More about that later in the month.  For now, let’s simply revisit whether Resourcing and Recruitment could or should be used interchangeably.  Wearing my Diva livery (no don’t ask) I’m thrilled that Resourcing has made a bit of a comeback of late if I’m honest.  The focus on “in-house” recruiters (in some markets) has given way to a much broader debate.  And I’ve been pleased to join in.

Over the next few months, I’m keen to air some of the critical success factors associated with resourcing a business in 2023.  It’s time to review some of the key themes and trends – what’s in and what’s out of fashion?  I hope to persuade individuals and businesses to consider (or reconsider) the sort of relationships they want to encourage, whether that’s with their mentors, their colleagues or their suppliers.

Are you ready to be a Diva or a Divo?  What are you going to write in your journal of ambition for 2023?  What do you want to influence?  I’ll leave you to decide what you want to share, although let me know if I can help you frame that ambition.  And if you’re keen to contribute to the Resourcing conversation, share any gardening tips, or simply swap marmalade recipes, isn’t it time you got in touch?  Let’s talk and enjoy the magic of conversation.

Go on … I dare you …