Heather Watt

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Ambitions or achievements … what motivates you?

Another week and fresh opportunities for us all to shine bright.  If you’re anything like me, you’ll begin each week with a plan and then see where it takes you.  Unsurprisingly my plans for the garden are taking a backseat.  There’s no pleasure in braving a hailstorm to cut back the hellebores and I’ve accepted (reluctantly) that this is not a good year for the delicate bearded iris or their floral neighbours.

I grab most opportunities to dream big and achieve my aspirations with both hands, but it hasn’t always been that way.  I’m fortunate that right now my career isn’t the “be all and end all” of my existence.  When there wasn’t so much work around in resourcing, I started to write more.  I’ve always enjoyed writing, although it’s only more recently that I’ve developed a style which encourages a smile.  I’m able to set myself some goals and go after them, without worrying too much about how that will impact my CV.  That said, my reputation is everything and I defend it with intensity.

Think about all the great things that you’ve accomplished recently.  There are no rules, although it’s a good idea to focus on everyday activities (the ones we all take for granted) as well as the things you’ve tried out for the first time. Try to remember that it’s more motivating to concentrate on the things you’ve completed than those you haven’t.  And who knows, perhaps completing one of those projects is your time to shine bright this week?

This morning I’m encouraging all job seekers and in particular the groups who’ve been impacted most by job losses to stay strong.  I recognise that your confidence may have taken a beating and you may not be feeling the love, although there’s benefit in reviewing what you want to achieve this week.  What are our goals?  Then, ask yourself what you can do to speed up the process (and what might get in the way).

For many young people coming out of full-time education this Summer, their career opportunities may not seem so straightforward or appealing.  I’m ever hopeful that the health and economic impacts of C-19 have spurred them on, rather than deterred their aspirations.  Their workplace choices may be restricted, although I’m confident that successful businesses and service providers will soon get the hang of where their people work best.  Travel, leisure and the arts are gradually returning to the career conversation alongside health and social care.  We know that the hospitality sector is already flagging a lack of talented individuals wanting to join their party.  And where better to learn the ropes of collaboration, service and operational management?  I’m a big fan of this sector and the opportunities on offer.

It was inspiring to see so many scientists and engineers gathered in one place to enjoy a Great British Menu celebrating innovation. What an achievement. t’s a television series which draws me in each year, although I don’t feel compelled to watch every episode.  What struck me this year (as I watched the final countdown) was the similarities between the chefs, the people they had selected to showcase and the guests.  Yes, this was innovation at its best.  Congratulations!

Let’s chat about how I can help you to dream big or achieve your career ambitions.