Heather Watt

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Asparagus for tea and positivity

A trip to a local farm shop to buy asparagus in the middle of a sleet storm and of course I’d end up striking up a conversation with a stranger about a bad day on Zoom and kid goats wearing coats.  I love asparagus and this year it’s been a long time coming.  Our Friday afternoon jaunt across Sussex was full of expectation.  Whose heart doesn’t melt at the sight of newborn lambs and the prospect of newly laid, free range eggs with asparagus for supper?  Any doubt about the provenance of said eggs, is immediately dispelled by the cockerel chasing “his girls” across the farmyard.

That’s where I met a lady who lives close by.  We bonded over vegetable rich pickings, playful lambs and hungry kids.  She confided that after a bad day in her virtual office, the farmyard and shop were here escape, especially when the baby goats wore little coats to keep the frost at bay.  What better way could there possibly be to absorb any negative energy than a wander along a country lane to buy fresh produce?  I realise that for some, it’s an energetic workout at the gym or a hack around the golf course and for others, it’s a walk by the sea or baking bread.  How do you disperse any negative energy?

I’m determined to keep that positive vibe going today.  There’s still so much negative conversation around about the adverse impact of the pandemic on just about everything.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s always something to be learned from past events and feelings although sometimes it’s the future which matters most.  Perhaps it’s the excitement and expectation of what might change for the better which spurs us on to greater things?  How do you keep focused on future successes?

Who’d have thought that asparagus my favourite vegetable was also enjoyed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and adorns the walls of the tombs of ancient Egyptians?  I attempted to cultivate a few crowns in our previous garden, although the modest crop was never sufficient to satisfy my culinary ambitions.  There are already a couple of Tomato plants on the kitchen windowsill for the garden terrace, although our current garden is too small for a proper kitchen garden.  That said, I’ve got a little more than tomatoes in mind for this Summer.  Let’s hope the ground heats up soon and gives the growing season a long-awaited boost.

This time last year, the Wisteria was resplendent, the Irises were standing to attention; proudly showing off their flamboyant lavender-coloured millinery and the Cercis (Judas tree) was a mass of tiny pink flowers.  This is when expectation kicks in for me – at least I know what the garden will deliver sometime this month.  And of course, there’s the asparagus season which officially runs from 23rd April to 21st June, although it’s often available much earlier.  Yes, you’ve guessed … a later beginning means a later ending and even more to anticipate yum, yum.

A few ideas to help you focus on future success:

  • Write a list of all the positive things you are going to do today

  • Walk by the sea or in the countryside and remember to breathe

  • Treat yourself to a bunch of your favourite flowers (I’ve got fabulous white tulips this week)

  • Try fresh local asparagus (or other fresh produce)

  • Substitute toast soldiers with asparagus spears - great for “dippy” eggs

  • Give vegetables another chance, especially the ones you think you won’t like

  • Visit a local farm and buy fresh free-range eggs (or vegan cheese if that’s more appealing)

  • Make and bake a quiche, they’re back in fashion big time

  • Cultivate some seeds and enjoy the growing experience

  • Invest in some golf lessons or a personal trainer

  • Create a Positivity Journal and record your successes

Why not get in touch and tell me about your ideas, as well as how you got on with these? Let’s talk.