Heather Watt

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Invest in yourself, encourage others and practise positivity

I love a good news story and there have been a couple today.  A new job for one of my clients and a promotion at that.  It’s not easy to be upbeat all of the time and my husband just reminded me to acknowledge my own philosophy to be positive, encouraging and live in the moment (my take on mindfulness).

Throwing up my hands (to emphasise my point) I exclaimed that I’d wasted today on trivia (and that’s not my typical style).  I was reminded that I’d had a flu jab, reinsured the car, and reshuffled a pile of random papers before speaking confidently with a couple of clients.  Today I simply wasn’t ready to celebrate the increased insurance premium or the predicted impact of the flu jab and momentarily I underplayed my successes with clients.  With a little nudge from my husband, I was back in the zone.  My experiences today reminded me how easy it is to underestimate our capabilities and achievements.

Our garden is beginning to look a little jaded in places as Autumn takes a hold, yet I know that an hour or two invested in deadheading at the weekend will bring a new lease of life.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I recognise that for some job seekers and others on furlough it’s been a tough Summer, although I’m encouraging you to stay true to your aspirations.  Metaphorically I’m recommending a little deadheading or in other words, an investment of time in you, by you and about you.

I’m encouraging you to focus on the “feedback highs” rather than the “outcome lows” of recent recruitment processes and interactions.  It’s time to take some time out from the busy day to day, grab a cuppa and breathe.  Then as you begin to feel the benefit, have a stab at the following:

  • Reviewing your job search activities over the past 3 months.  What have you done that’s helped you the most?

  • Considering the quality of the people (recruitment or search consultants, potential employers, etc.) you’ve met, who stands out as being the most helpful/insightful?

  • Thinking about your ideal role, what one thing could you do to make it more attainable?  Volunteering?  Improving your presentation skills?

  • Overall, what have you learned about yourself in relation to work, your aspirations and your strengths?

  • What changes are you going to make to your job search routine and engagements with others?  Select 2 or 3 ideas which will make the biggest impact.

  • If you’re not feeling the love today, then maybe it’s time for a walk in the fresh air or some deadheading in the garden?

Written from a candidate perspective, these questions can be adapted easily to address the needs of business leaders and recruiting managers whose recruitment campaigns are stalling.