Heather Watt

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Eat more greens and learn to love kale

I’ve had a few Bridget Jones moments recently and one of them was when I reminded myself that Bridget Jones Diary was first published in the Independent 24 years ago.  And then the following year we all rushed to buy the book.  It wasn’t long before most 30-something year old single working women were clutching a copy of the paperback and laughing out loud on the train.  Happy days!

The truth is, I can’t believe that it was 24 years ago.  In the intervening years Renee Zellweger has constantly reminded us of Bridget’s adventures and didn’t she look great in those white skinny jeans (before the muddy conclusion) at Glastonbury?

Most of my Bridget Jones moments come when I’m compiling my “to do” lists and today was no exception.  Not content with a food shopping list I strayed into analysing how unhealthy my eating habits are and how much weight I needed to lose before Christmas.  Then onwards and upwards, I was rearranging my wardrobe to accommodate all those lovely new dresses (in smaller sizes) I was going to buy.

The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that I’ve been encouraging us all to make some (more) me-time each day for reflection, so now I just need to fill in the gaps between unhealthy eating habits and lovely new dresses.  Like Bridget I don’t do mediocre or beige, confident, capable and colourful ... that's me, so I need a transformation plan.

What would Bridget have done?  How did she get into those skinny jeans?  So today I’m sharing my plans in the hope that you’ll support my campaign to eat more greens and learn to love kale.  Who knows, one day you could be reading my diaries or listening to my podcasts … now there’s an idea.